When a new baby arrives, everyone gets loads of presents; the kid, siblings, mom, dad, pets and last but not least, the boobs. That’s right, those baby buffets require their own coming out party as the new and improved honey pots they are. And rightfully so! Turns out their usefulness didn’t end in your single days, and they get a return to glory during the breastfeeding phase. So what do the twins need to be kept happy? The girls want multipurpose products to match their multipurpose life, and ideally making us more stylish from the mom bun down.
I’ve been using Boppy products from day 1 of baby #1 and use even more of them now with baby #2. My boobs, babes and I took a vote and named these Boppy products as our favorite both at home or away.

Boppy Best Latch Breastfeeding Pillow
There are two things you immediately realize once you start feeding a baby. First, no soreness from the gym will ever compete with the shoulder burn you feel after many hours of holding a kid in awkward positions. And second, inevitably everything you need will be out of reach the minute you sit down to feed them. Luckily this product solves both those problems: it helps me avoid a future as the Hunchback of Notre Damn My Back Hurts and is stylish enough to live in the public spaces of my house without needing to schlep my nighttime nursing pillow from my room.

Boppy Classic Feeding & Infant Support Pillow
This guy pulls double duty as a present for both boob and babe. It’s a nursing pillow for support and also a handy pillow for them to do tummy time, lay or sit in as they grow. There’s a reason this is on most moms’ baby gift registry, and it’s because you’ll use it daily from the first day onwards. It also serves as a solid prop to take non-double chin photos of your baby, in case you need help with that #askingforafriend

It’s a daily Game of Thrones in my house thanks to this thing. The baby, toddler, and dogs all fight over this comfy lounger like they have their own dragons coming to back them up. This is one of those products I can’t believe I didn’t have with my first baby that we couldn’t live without second time around. I’d say we’re getting wiser as we get older but I think we were just really dumb when we were younger! Thank goodness we have this lay-z-boy to safely park the newbie in and give our arms a rest!

Leave it to hungry babies to make even the simplest tasks take way too long in the heat of the moment. Something as seemingly straightforward as pulling something out of a baby bag can wreck havoc when holding a wiggly, waling, hungry child in your arms. This is why I love the nursing cover/scarf mutant combo. I wear this puppy mostly on airplanes when I don’t want to keep reaching into my bag for the shield but also don’t want to wear a cover on me at all times. It’s super soft and really does look like a regular infinity scarf vs. an over the shoulder boulder hider.

Last but not least, the Bobby nursing cover became my third arm when we traveled to over 30 countries in our daughter’s first year of life. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about freeing the nipple, but I don’t always need others checking out my rack of milk duds, and in certain cultures we’d visit, it just didn’t feel appropriate to be that exposed. I love how this thing keeps the baby focused on feeding, creates a nice dark sleep cave when I want them to sleep beneath it and gives me an easy view of them with its structured neckline. I’ve also used it on the stroller to create an on-the-go napping area. All around the world, moms and even dads have stopped me to ask what this product is and where they can get it, and I can’t speak more highly of it.
Don’t let those golden globes of yours go neglected; this is their time to shine. Sure, in your 20s they’d win you a free drink, but now they’d earn the keys to the entire bar!
Thanks to Boppy for sponsoring this post so I can publicly fangirl about your products to the masses. Whether you’re nursing, bottle feeding, staying at home, traveling far or just trying to survive the first months of babyville, Boppy has a solid list of products for you so go check them out.
And if you want to see more great gear, check out my post on 10 Must Have Baby Travel Products.
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